June 20, 2012

Porn Sites Bad Influence on Adolescent Sexual Health

Porn Sites Bad Influence on Adolescent Sexual Health
Teen lovers porn site on the internet is suppose to have a nasty tendency towards sexual health. Parents and schools were advised to provide a specific approach regarding sex education for adolescents.

According to the review of researchers from the Faculty of Medicine, Kirby Institute, Australia, pornography sites on the Internet is strongly associated with risky sexual behavior among adolescents.

In a recent study shows, the strong relationship between exposure to the internet with sexually explicit material, vulgar and diverse, can lead to adverse outcomes in sexual and mental health of adolescents.

"Teenagers are reportedly often visited porn sites on the Internet, more inclined to have sex with more than one sexual partner, engaging in a wider variety of sexual practices, as well as using alcohol or drugs related to sexual relations," said Dr. Rebecca Guy, one of the researchers.

The research team noted, that all these factors have been associated with a higher risk of sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies. They also noted that a comprehensive survey of Australia showed that 28 percent of the new Australian adolescents aged nine to 16 years had experienced sexual material from the site to see online.

"The amount of sexual material that can be easily accessed on the internet, has led to increasing concern about young teens who are involved with pornography. Curiosity of youth, supported by a growing sex hormones at the age of them can have unusual sexual habits," he explained.

According to the researchers, sex education and open discussion of sexual matters in school and families can help young people in decision-making and does not increase the likelihood of involvement in sex at an early age, so it should continue to have an emphasis on family and school strategic approach in this.

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