June 22, 2012

Benefits of Walnuts for Heart and Brain

Benefits of Walnuts for Heart and Brain

Not only delicious to eat, but walnuts are also good for heart health and your skin. Want proof?

Since the first, the nuts have long been promoted as a nutritious snack by health professionals. Walnuts are one of the nuts are rich in health benefits. This snack is safe and does not make blood sugar rise quickly.

Walnuts also is one of the best plant sources of protein. Here are some health benefits of walnuts, as reported by the Times of India.

- Nuts Walnuts contain very high levels of polyphenols. Polifeno is an antioxidant that can protect the body from damaging molecules that network. This is certainly good for lowering cancer risk.

- Sources of omega-3 and alpha linolenic acid (ALA) which is known to improve arterial function, muscular blood vessel that carries blood from the heart. So that heart health can be maintained.

- Consumption of walnuts as part of the daily diet can help in the prevention of gallstones.

- Monounsaturated fats are present in walnuts helps in lowering bad cholesterol and lipoproteins, a compound that can cause atherosclerosis by increasing blood clotting.

- Contains essential amino acid called L-arginine. These amino acids are converted into nitric oxide which helps increase blood flow in the body. It also prevents the artery from narrowing and prevent the accumulation of fatty deposits on artery walls.

- Walnuts are often referred to as "brain food". That's because they are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which play a major role in the optimal functioning of brain cells that make you smarter.

- Melatonin, a compound found in walnuts is helpful in promoting good sleep reduces insomnia and sleep disorders.


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