Drinking tea can bring benefits. But the situation is different if you drink excessive amounts of tea. A study shows men who drink lots of tea could be affected by prostate cancer.
Researchers from the University of Glasgow found those who drank seven or more cups of tea have 50 percent higher risk of developing the disease than men who drank three cups or less. This warning is made after the researchers conducted a search on more than six thousand men for four decades.
The findings contrast with results of previous studies that claimed drinking tea can reduce cancer risk, such as heart disease, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease.
Researchers from the University of Glasgow found those who drank seven or more cups of tea have 50 percent higher risk of developing the disease than men who drank three cups or less. This warning is made after the researchers conducted a search on more than six thousand men for four decades.
The findings contrast with results of previous studies that claimed drinking tea can reduce cancer risk, such as heart disease, diabetes, and Parkinson's disease.
A recent study led by Kashif Shafique and starts since 1970, involving participants aged between 21-71 years. They were given questions about the consumption habits of tea, coffee, and alcohol as smoking habits and their general health.
The result, a quarter of the 6016 men were heavy tea drinkers who consumed seven or more cups of tea per day. Of that amount, 6.4 percent of prostate cancer within the next 37 years.
"Most previous research has shown no association of prostate cancer for black tea, or the preventive effects of green tea," said Shafique in the journal Nutrition and Cancer. Shafique continues, it does not know whether the tea itself is a risk factor or tea drinkers are generally healthier and live to old age when prostate cancer occurred.
Shafique said that those who drink lots of tea tends to be less overweight. While drinking alcohol is more likely to have higher cholesterol levels.
"However, we make adjustments for the differences in our analysis and still found that men who drink lots of tea are at greatest risk of developing prostate cancer," he said.
Shafique stressed that his team did not consider the possibility of participants who drank black tea may be responsible for karsiogenik activity in prostate cells.
Penelian of tea on earlier work of other researchers discovered the health benefits of flavonoids. It is the antioxidants found in tea is considered as controlling inflammation in cells, blood clots and restrict menguranggi narrowing of the arteries.
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