December 19, 2011

Cloves Usefulness for Health

Cloves Usefulness for Health
Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum L.) are the aromatic dried flower stalks of the Myrtaceae family tree. Indonesia is a native plant identification flora of North Maluku province. Cloves currently mainly grown in Banda Islands, Madagascar, Zanzibar, India, and Sri Lanka. Clove tree is an annual plant that can grow up to 10-20 m high and has oval leaves on flowering shoots. Flowers at first green and red if the flowers are blooming. Cloves are harvested when it reaches 1.5 to 2 cm long.

Usefulness of cloves

Cloves are used as a spice in Europe and Asia, either in whole or as powder. Especially in Indonesia, cloves are also used as an ingredient of clove cigarettes. In China and Japan, cloves are used as an incense fragrance materials. Dried leaves are finely ground cloves can be used as a vegetable and effective pesticides to control Fusarium stem rot disease by providing 50-100 grams of dried pimento leaves per plant.

Clove oil is one which is pretty much essential oil produced in Indonesia by water and steam distillation. In international trade, clove oil is divided into three sections based on the source, the leaf oil of cloves (clove leaf oil), clove stem oil (clove stem oil), clove flower oil (clove bud oil). Clove oil until translucent color yellowish, has a spicy flavor, hard, and clove-scented. The color will change to brown or purple if in contact with iron or stored in a long time.

Oil of cloves has anesthetic and antimicrobial functions. Clove oil is often used to eliminate bad breath and toothache. Contained a substance called eugenol in cloves dentist used to calm the nerves of teeth. In addition to eugenol, clove essential oil also contains compounds acetyl eugenol, beta-karyofilen and vanillin. There is also the content of tannins, galotanat acid, methyl salicylate (a pain-relieving substances), krategolat acid, a variety of flavonoid compounds (ie eugenin, kaempferol, rhamnetin, and eugenitin), a variety of triterpenoid compounds (ie oleanolat acid, stigmasterol, and kampesterol), and various sesquiterpene compounds.

Cloves have properties to increase production of stomach acid, to activate peristaltic action of the digestive tract, also used as a natural de-worming. Other benefits of cloves which is overcome due to stomach cold vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea, pain in the chest and abdomen, coughing, colds, body warmers, stomach pains during menstruation, rheumatism and stiff.


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