Consuming fiber is needed in your daily intake. In addition to a healthy body, the fiber can aid digestion.
Has two types of fibers are reviewed based on kalarutannya terms, ie, soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. However, both have functions that are interrelated. Soluble fiber will help memerlambat gastric emptying time, making them easier fermented by good bacteria found in high levels, among others, rice, cereal grains, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, apples, beans, bananas, legumes, peas, soybeans, broccoli, carrots, oranges, strawberries, raisins, peaches, pears, sesame seeds, cucumber and celery.
Whereas insoluble fiber will help retain water and increase stool weight and volume so easily removed. Some foods that contain insoluble fiber in high levels include whole wheat, corn, rice, celery, broccoli, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, raisins, grapes, kakaom coconut, soybean, peanut and almond. Foods high in fiber helps to launch the work of digestion. Fiber can be found in vegetables, fruits and brown rice.
Has two types of fibers are reviewed based on kalarutannya terms, ie, soluble fiber and insoluble fiber. However, both have functions that are interrelated. Soluble fiber will help memerlambat gastric emptying time, making them easier fermented by good bacteria found in high levels, among others, rice, cereal grains, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onions, apples, beans, bananas, legumes, peas, soybeans, broccoli, carrots, oranges, strawberries, raisins, peaches, pears, sesame seeds, cucumber and celery.
Whereas insoluble fiber will help retain water and increase stool weight and volume so easily removed. Some foods that contain insoluble fiber in high levels include whole wheat, corn, rice, celery, broccoli, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, raisins, grapes, kakaom coconut, soybean, peanut and almond. Foods high in fiber helps to launch the work of digestion. Fiber can be found in vegetables, fruits and brown rice.
Vegetables with high fiber, among others, can be found on the leaves of lettuce, cucumber, celery, cabbage, cauliflower, carrots, spinach, green cabbage and pumpkin. Try all kinds of vegetables and select the still fresh. Remember, the newly purchased vegetables must be washed before being cooked or consumed. Instead, after being washed and immediately processed vegetables because if left long been a rapid wilt. This is done in order to wake up the digestive system health. Conditions of poor digestion can be a trigger early colon cancer arises or in medical language is called colorectal cancer. Colorectal cancer causes including various cancers and may not be similar between patients. The emergence of this disease, sometimes triggered by the daily symptoms that are considered trivial or poor digestion.
Fruit is one of the types of foods that contain nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber that are generally very well taken every day. There are several pieces of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fiber that are generally very well taken every day. There are some fruits with high fiber content that can be ingested to aid digestion.
- Avocado green worthwhile tackling anemia, beauty therapy and help the regeneration of red blood cells. These fruits also contain lots of fiber (2.2 grams per 100 grams of material) that can be used to launch the digestive tract and prevent constipation.
- Eating papaya can memerlancar process of removing metabolic waste or avoid constipation. Papain enzymes can also break down foods containing protein compounds to form various amino acids that are eliminating the formation of undesirable substances due to incomplete digestion.
Brown rice
This material is one kind of rice that has a variety of vitamins, especially Vit.B and Vit.E. The benefits of brown rice are excellent for maintaining health and cure various diseases. This is because brown rice is rich and high mineral content. In addition, brown rice also contains a variety of substances such as phenolics which are powerful antioxidants, selenium, etc.. Brown rice has a high fiber content so that it can cope with indigestion and constipation.
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