January 10, 2012

Benefits of Dragon Fruit

Benefits of Dragon Fruit
Dragon fruit is the fruit of several cactus in the genus Hylocereus and Selenicereus. These plants originated from Central America and South America. In 1870, this plant was taken from the French Guyana to Vietnam as an ornamental plant. By Vietnam and China the fruit is considered a blessing. Therefore, the fruit is always placed between two small green dragon statue on the altar table. Red fruit color stand out among the green dragons. This is the fruit of a habit among the people of Vietnam are heavily influenced by Chinese culture known as Loy thang (dragon fruit). The term thang Loy then translated in Europe and other countries who speak English as dragon fruit (dragon fruit).

Dragon fruit is now cultivated in areas such as Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Okinawa, Israel, northern Australia and southern China. There are at least four types of dragon fruit developed in Indonesia, the white dragon fruit (native to Mexico), red dragon fruit (the white cross with a dragon fruit cactus from Korean red), yellow dragon fruit (the white cross with a dragon fruit cactus from the yellow Israel) and the black dragon fruit (red dragon fruit fertilized with natural black).

Nutrition and efficacy of dragon fruit

The content of the Dragon Fruit
  • (Per 100 g)
  • Sugar 13-18 briks
  • Water 90%
  • 11.5 g carbohydrate
  • 0.139 g of acid
  • Protein 0.53 g
  • Fiber 0.71 g
  • Calcium 134.5 mg
  • Phosphorus 8.7 mg
  • Magnesium 60.4 mg
  • Vitamin C 9.4 mg

Dragon fruit is usually consumed as fresh fruit as relieving thirst because they contain high water content, about 90% of the weight of the fruit. It was pretty sweet because they contain sugar content reaches 13-18 briks. Dragon fruit can also be presented in the form of juice, fruit juice, sweets and jam or various forms of presentation to suit your taste.

In general, the experts agree and acknowledge dragon fruit is rich in potassium, ferum, protein, fiber, sodium and calcium are good for health.

Although this plant is easy to find, not many people who understand in depth the properties. Dragon fruit has many beneficial properties for human health, such as balancing blood sugar levels, protective oral health, prevention of colon cancer, reduce cholesterol, preventing bleeding and treat vaginal discharge.

According to AL Leong of Johncola Pitaya Food R & D, an organization that examines the red dragon fruit, dragon fruit is quite rich in various vitamins and mineral substances which greatly helped improve the durability and useful for metabolism in the human body.

"Research shows red dragon fruit is very good for the circulatory system, also gives the effect of reducing emotional stress and neutralize toxins in the blood. Research also shows this fruit can prevent colon cancer, in addition to preventing high cholesterol levels in the blood and reduce levels of fat in the body, "he said.

Overall, each of the red dragon fruit contains a protein that is able to increase metabolism and maintain cardiovascular health, fiber (to prevent colon cancer, diabetes and diet), carotene (eye health, strengthen the brain and prevent disease), calcium (bone strengthening) , iron (increase of blood), vitamin B1 (to prevent fever), vitamin B2 (add to taste), vitamin B3 (lower cholesterol) and vitamin C (increase slipperiness, smoothness of skin and prevent acne).


Dragon fruit is very beneficial and nutritious for the body. Besides, dragon fruit is also good in consumption every day. So what are you waiting? You can get many benefits of dragon fruit from now on. Maintaining health is better than cure.


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