January 25, 2012

Cinnamon Health Benefits for

Cinnamon Health Benefits for
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum sp.) Or better known as the cinnamon tree is a kind of spice. Since the 16th century, cinnamon was used as seasoning. He is the spice in the form of bark are commonly used Indonesian society in everyday life. Besides as a flavor enhancer, has always known he had a variety of properties. In fact, cinnamon is now a part of raw materials in herbal medicine and beauty industry.
In the world there are 54 types of cinnamon, of which 12 species found in Indonesia. The species of cinnamon which has been developed in Indonesia is Cinnamomum burmannii BL, better known by the name Cassia vera. Cinnamon is included in the family Lauraceae. Spices are thought to have come from Sri Lanka and South India, even thrives in Java, Sumatra, West India, Brazil, Vietnam, Madagascar, and Egypt. Internationally, cinnamon known as cinnamon, which comes from the Greek Kinnamon. Cinnamon is also known as sweet wood.

This plant is suitable cultivated in the tropics with annual rainfall 2000-3000 mm per year with high air kelembahan and a short dry season. He can grow well in areas up to 2,000 meters altitude above sea level. From the results of research conducted by the Research Institute for Spices and Medicinal Plants trial garden located in Monaco Lembang, it is known that the number and quality of cinnamon bark strongly influenced factors of plant spacing, fertilization, plant age when harvested, and how to harvest it.Property
Chemical properties of cinnamon is warm, spicy, fragrant, and slightly sweet. Levels of the chemical include essential oils, safrol, sinamadehid, eugenol, tannin, resin, calcium oksanat, and tanning substances. Sinamaldehid is a derivative of phenol compounds. In the medical world, sinamaldehid known to have anti-platelet aggregation and as vasodilasator in vitro. Platelets is the cholesterol that sticks to the blood vessels. Aggregation (collection) platelets leads to atherosclerosis or hardening of fat in the arteries.
Because the content is, the many benefits of eating cinnamon, for example, to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and stroke. In addition, these spices were also long been believed to cure diabetes (diabetes mellitus). Cinnamon has a bio-molecular effects in the pancreas. It contains chemical compounds called PTP1B is working to enable the compound in pancreatic beta cells by activating the function to produce insulin. Furthermore, insulin will open the door of the red blood cells so that glucose can enter and be converted into energy. PTP1B compound also works on the alpha cells, which help the liver produce glycogen. These cells convert sugar into glycogen or energy reserves. He added glycogen, in contrast to diabetes medications that lower blood sugar directly. Medicinal herbs like cinnamon works by optimizing the function of organs that are still good. Rise in blood sugar levels is just symptoms of impaired insulin. Sources are pancreatic problems. Therefore, the function of the pancreas should be corrected.
In addition, cinnamon efficacious drug for gout, high blood pressure, heartburn, no appetite, headache (vertigo), colds, diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting, constipation, asthma, ulcers, painful urination , as a laxative sweat (diaforetik), laxative fart (carminative), improves appetite and relieve pain.Some use
Here are some examples of the use of cinnamon as a medicine:

  • Intake of one teaspoon (1 gram) of cinnamon a day can help prevent diabetes. After the use of cinnamon for 40 days, reduced levels of fasting blood sugar, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol can be observed. The decline continued until the next 20 days.
  • To treat high blood pressure, take two fingers of cinnamon, 10 grams trengguli acid, 10 grams kencur, sena leaves 15 grams and 20 grams of sage leaves. Then, boil with 500 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc. The water is filtered and drunk while warm. Other recipes: 1 finger cinnamon, 10 grams trengguli acid, 60 grams of corn, and 30 grams of celery leaves, boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc. Filtered water and drink while warm.
  • To treat diarrhea, take 5 grams of cinnamon and 5 pieces of guava leaves. Herbs are boiled with 600 cc of water and leave until remaining 300 cc. Water mixture is filtered and added sugar to taste, then taken twice a day, 150 cc.


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