December 22, 2011

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer
The prostate often enlarges gradually after the age of 50 years. At the age of 70 years, 80% of men have an enlarged prostate. Many older men who have problems urinating due to prostate enlargement (non-cancerous). In some men, enlargement was followed by the growth of cancer. Therefore, you should get a healthy life since a young age, so you can avoid prostate disease.

The prostate is a gland located below the bladder in men. The main function of the prostate is to produce fluid which protects and deliver sperm.

Prostate cancer occurs when prostate cells to grow faster than normal conditions to form lumps or tumors that have a malignancy. Is the most common cancer in men, especially those aged over 65 years.


As with other cancers, prostate cancer causes are unknown. Here are some factors that increase cancer risk are:
  • Of age. Most cases occur in older men.
  • Family history and hereditary factors. If your father or your brother to get prostate cancer at relatively young ages (under 60), the higher your risk. Also if your sister with breast cancer.
  • Tribes. Asian men have a lower risk than black men or white.
  • Exposure to cadmium metal

Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
  • Urine is not smooth. Weak urine flow, and it may take longer to finish urinating.
  • Delay. You may have to wait a while on the toilet until the urine starts to flow.
  • Droplets. Little urine may drip and stain your underpants soon after you finish urinating in the toilet.
  •  Frequency. You urinate more often than usual.
  • Urgency. You feel very 'dying' urine suddenly.
  • Less complete. You feel you do not pee really finished.

Note: all of the above symptoms are felt much older men. Most of those who feel it is only exposed to non-cancerous prostate enlargement. Should see her doctor to make sure.

Other symptoms such as pain at the base of the penis or bloody urine occur only in advanced prostate cancer.


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