It is the duty of parents to protect their children. Although children have made a mistake or walking, parents will always defend and protect it. Including all kinds of threats that come from the environment outside the home.
Parents have a very tough task for the safety of lives of children who are still very fragile in the hands of their parents until the child becomes older. This is because people always have to ensure that children avoid all forms of threats.
Of the many types of threats, there are 10 that are often the reason for any parent is concerned for the seriousness of the condition and its impact on the child's future.
Here are 10 things threaten most often make parents worry:
Parents will not be able to accept gracefully if his son proved to be the victim of oppression. They worry that the child will be stressed along with confidence recedes. Parents will be more afraid to let their children even though the adult age because always remember her son was ostracized and difficulty defending themselves.
When the child's weight beyond the normal and could not be controlled in the long term it is likely the child suffering from obesity. Parents are very worried about the children who are obese due to this condition invites diseases such as diabetes, depression and heart disease.
Internet abuse
A child's brain is still dominated by a sense of curiosity is very high. Access is too free in internet usage will motivate him to see things that are unusual or do not fit in its age. It is very difficult to control because on the other side of the parents also do not want to curb children to seek knowledge via the Internet and can socialize.
Abuse of drugs / drug
The use of these toxic drugs chapters will damage organ function in the body of the child and the impact will be visible when she grew up. Attitudes and behavior can be changed until the manners of parents can disappear suddenly from the unconscious phase.
Parents are also very afraid of the potential of children mistreated by others. It is more common in girls. When the women's welfare is not guaranteed then it is very likely he grew up feeling fearful, uncertain, and often suspicious and cannot always be happy.
There was no denying smoke a threat to the parents whose children are just entering adulthood. The curiosity of children they are so high in nicotine and once tried generally led to addiction. Parents worried the child will suffer from lung disease and other costs associated with the ill effects of smoking. They also fear the child would be wasteful because a lot of money spent on cigarettes.
It was generally felt by parents who have boys. They consider their position or status as a stud so important more than anything else that will do anything to maintain it at the same show. One way is through the relentless fight to force. Parents can actually feel two things, fear of children being hurt and hurting others.
Kids are not supposed to be stressful; he should be ambitious, excited, happy, and chirpy at any time. If the child is already showing a sign of stress in age is still relatively young, it is likely to become permanent conditions and alter its character as a whole.
Early pregnancy
Parents tend to be more protective of girls because if left to make their own decisions of a thing can be bad. One is an early pregnancy. They are not only burdened with the role of a mother who is not ready he played; they are also potentially prolonged stress experienced since his youth regret not normally enjoy.
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