April 11, 2012

Beauty of Breathing Satan

Beauty of Breathing Satan
Many of you may wonder, whether the angel's trumpet? Angel's trumpet is a flowering plant also known as Brugmansia or Datura. Plants are known in Indonesia as a flower or flower trumpet includes seven species of flowering plants in the family Solanaceae (nightshade), originally from tropical South America. Brugmansia is a popular ornamental plant. The flowers are very attractive and fragrant, trumpet-shaped in a variety of colors including white, peach, yellow and orange.

In addition to use as an ornamental plant, Brugmansia has a privilege and other uses. In modern medicine, such as skopolomin important alkaloid, hiosiamin, and atropine is found in Brugmansia and other relevant members of the Solanaceae, which have been shown to have medical benefits for anticholinergics, narcotics, drugs, and anti-asthma spasmolitik. External usability including treating aches and pains, dermatitis, orchitis, arthritis, rheumatism, headaches, infections, and as anti-inflammatory drug available in the form of syrup, ointment, or transdermal application of leaves directly on the skin. Is in preparation for its internal use of very dilute and often as part of a larger mix, which includes treatment for stomach ailments and muscle, as a decongestant, to induce vomiting, to expel worms and parasites, and as a sedative. The use of internally far more rare because of the dangers of eating is very high as a drug. This is due to the toxicity of this plant is very high. All parts of Brugmansia toxic, the seeds and leaves are very dangerous.

So, whether special facts about this plant?

The specialty of scopolamine Brugmansia lies in its highly toxic. Scopolamine is an anticholinergic drug that has many effects on the body, especially the effects of hallucinations. By utilizing these effects, this plant is used for robbery and assault in Columbia. In one case documented in VBS TV documentary in 2007 titled "Columbia Devil's Breath", criminals in Colombia mengekstraksikan scopolamine from plants and used as a powerful drug that makes the prey is aware of what happened to them. Scopolamine can be absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes, allowing criminals to simply blow the powder in someone's face. Amazing fact about this plant that is prey to engage fully conscious but not aware of anything going on around them. That is why this drug at Columbia called "the breath of the devil" or "devil's breath" for "stealing souls".

This is a dangerous drug, which caused many deaths, especially in adolescents who experiment with it after hearing rumors about the strength of his hallucinations. Many users also spoke about the ongoing memory loss and suffering terrible nightmares since its use. Although this plant is widely used as ornamental plants, you need to consider the risks before maintaining this plant around your home.


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